Bringing Aeon Prime to Life
Illustrations that show different parts of the world, characters, and lore
KobosaurCasually known as the Kobo, this species is coveted worldwide by adventurers for being Trusty and Loyal Mounts. the bond between riders and their Kobos are what really makes their capabilities stand out, and once that connection is made, will stick with their adventuring partners through thick and thin.
The most common versions of the Kobosaur are Proficient land runners and balanced in strength and agility, but they do have 2 other distinct forms that reflect their past lizard dinosaur like lineage, much sturdier and capable of tough harsher land traversal, and a more avian evolution that have adapted to life in the skies and capable of better flight. |
DumpWingDumpWing was an experiment gone terribly wrong, ....or terribly right, depending on who you ask. A concoction spawned from the forbidden doom brood ritual. Its a Cursed Anomaly that carries with it an insatiable hunger, threatening all life that wanders in its path.
Chief Teacup
As the largest and most revered of the Thoinks,
one cannot help but bow to his ever-encroaching thickness. Some compare his sheer mass to that of entire kingdoms. The same heavenly clouds in the sky, that heroes look to for inspiration and conviction, are but the simple exhalations of the Uber Thoink.
Beffudle FaeFaerie Creatures that Dwell in the forest of Befuddle. Like Most Fae, they are comprised completely of Magical Essence, grown from the Flora in the Bewilderness. They are very quick, and insightful about the mysterious environment they reside in. If someone is lucky enough to befriend one of these magical Fae, good luck is sure to come their way.